Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Rhyme

I was cleaning out My Documents and found a rhyme I wrote about a year ago, as an entry for a Kong Toy contest.  Before I deleted it, I thought I'd share.
              Kong Toy Rhyme:
Peanuts, peanut butter, or any kind of treat,
Fill it with whatever they’ll eat.
It will keep them busy for hours,
The Kong they can’t wreck, no matter their power.
Its lots and lots of fun,
Whether in the house or lying in the sun.
A friend, a playmate, a good fun toy,
It’s something any dog is sure to enjoy.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Few Recipies to Share....

"Hey There" Pumpkin and Spice Muffins

2 C.  whole wheat flour
2 t. baking powder
1 t. baking soda
2 t. ground cinnamon
2 t. ground nutmeg
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 cup white sugar
2 cups unsweetened applesauce
2 T. vegetable oil
1 t. almond extract (I make this optional)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  In a medium bowl, mix together flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and nutmeg; set aside.
In a large bowl combine eggs, pumpkin, sugar, applesauce, oil, and almond extract.  Slowly add the flour mixture to the large bowl until just blended.  Do not over beat.  Pour the batter into 18 nonstick muffin cups. 
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes.  Enjoy!!!
Note:  These muffins are really moist.

"Hey There" Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

1/2 C. butter
1/2 C. sugar
1/2 C. brown sugar, packed
1/4 C. molasses
1 egg
1 C. pumpkin puree
2 C. flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 1/2 tsp. cinamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 C. milk
In a large mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar.  Beat in molasses and egg.  Stir in pumpkin.  In another bowl, combine flour, baking soda, cinnamon, and nutmeg.  Stir flour mixture into the creamd mixture along with the milk.  Blend thouroughly but do not over beat.  Drop cookie dough by teaspoonfuls onto greased baking sheets.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes. 


"Loveable" Apple and Raisin Oatmeal Cookies

1/2 C. butter, softened
1/2 C. honey
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla extract
3/4 whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp. baking soda
3/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 1/2 C. quick-cooking oats
1 apple, cored and chopped
Add raisins, as desired
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Grease cookie sheets.
In a large bowl, cream together margarine, honey, egg and vanilla until smooth.  Combine the flour, baking soda and cinnamon; stir into the creamed mixture.  Mix in oats, apple and raisins.  Drop by teaspoonfuls onto the cookie sheets.  Bake for 8 to 10 minutes.  Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes beore removing. 
Note:  I made these three recipies as Valentine's presents for my husband when we were dating and again for our 5th anniversary of Valentine's, which is also when we got engaged and my birthday.  I don't remember where I got the original recipies, but he likes healthy and they are all pretty yummy.  Enjoy!!!

.....the rest of pictures yet to come

Pocket Verses

What greater way to show love than to help spread the Gospel of Jesus, the one who first loved us?  Share that love with a pocket verse – a little card that one can keep with them to remember a verse and help them remember The One who is with them all day long. 

The idea for pocket verses came as I had decided to once again write some of my favorite bible verses on note cards and keep them in my pocket.  I had done this a few years ago when I felt like my faith was at a low point.  I put a card with a verse in the pocket of my scrubs while I at work.  When I reached for a pen, I would feel the card.  It served as a great reminder that God was with me.  It would help prompt me to say the verse and then a little prayer.  I really feel it helped me strengthen my relationship with Jesus and helped me pray continually.  Of course it would help – there’s nothing better than God’s word!

I then decided it would be fun to make them a little nicer, than just on a note card and the idea spiraled.  The basis came from a craft I had seen on Pinterest that I had been wanting to try.  They were cereal box gift tags.  Here is the link for that idea: Box Gift Tags
I first decoupaged scrap book paper onto cereal boxes.  Once they were dry, I cut out the desired shapes.

I then decorated them with ribbon, beads, and markers. 
 I wrote various bible verses on them.
I then made little tags that said: A Pocket Verse For You.  Make one. Pass it on.
I put each verse in a little bag with a note.  I also included a blank tag and some ribbon or beads. 
Pass Pocket Verses out to your friends and family.  Leave them randomly in public places - restrooms, shopping carts, ATMs - anywhere.   The reciever then is encouraged with the note and supplies to make one and pass it on.  (This is optional, but I like the idea!)  Keep it going!
Consider it a random act of kindness, if leaving it for someone else to find.  What better random act than sharing God's word?  One thing I like about this idea is that I am sometimes quiet and shy and often not as bold as I should be in telling others about Jesus. 
This is a way I can help spread God's word and so can you!
I encourage you to make one or more for yourself and keep them in your pocket.  Make one for friends and family. 
Leave them in a random place.  Help keep this going! 
You could also make little prayers on cards and pass them out, thus creating Pocket Prayers.
Say a little verse and put in in your pocket.  Never let it fade away.............
Have fun creatig Pocket Verses or Pocket Prayers. Who know's maybe some day I'll find one randomly from you. Share the Love!
Love it!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wasn't It Just Yesterday?

Wasn’t it just yesterday?  ~A time of reminiscing on my birthday…..

Wasn’t it just yesterday I sat upon my bed?
In the only home I’d ever known,
And played with my childhood friend.
Thinking these days could never end.

Wasn’t it just yesterday when I was still in school? 
Homework assignments and projects due,
Hanging with friends and band practice too.
At that time, five dollars filled my car with fuel. 

Wasn’t it just yesterday when college days were long?
Early morning clinical and studying all day long,
Learning who I really was and where I did belong,
Then suddenly there, singing my graduation song. 

Wasn’t it just yesterday I started working nights?
A nervous Nellie – that was me,
Longing for the day, the newness wouldn’t be.
Now I’ve gained some confidence and it feels quite alright.
Wasn’t it just yesterday you wandered to my door?
A story then unfolded as we saw our friendship grow.
There before me you were kneeling, one knee in the cold snow.
And now today I love you - more and more and more.

Wasn’t it just yesterday Dad walked me down the aisle?
We were joined as one and became Mister and Misses.
Friends and family rang the bell, to see us give each other kisses.
Our wedding day, always to be thought of with a smile.

Wasn’t it just yesterday I dreamed of having kids?
Then the pregnancy test, positive it said.
Our first born, a sweet little girl,
Now, I watch her play and dance and twirl.

Wasn’t it just yesterday I sat here next to mom?
Sharing secrets, telling jokes, and laughing all the time.
You taught me how to live my life and everything was fine.
Now more than a year has passed since my mom has gone.

Wasn’t it just yesterday I held you the first time?
Our cute little boy,
What a wonderful new joy.
Now laughing and cooing when I sing a rhyme.

Wasn’t it just yesterday my birthday was here?
Now here my birthday is again,
A time to think about and remember when.
And then to enter a new decade – NEXT YEAR!
The idea for this poem came when I sat down on my birthday (only a couple days ago) to do a little writing - which I Love!  I had the idea of just a little prose peice, but it turned into a poem.  I had been thinking of different things for awhile.  Like the time I sat in my room around age 16, thinking about only having a couple years at home left.  At that time, I couldn't imagine life any other way or away from my parents home.  I also remember thinking about a time when I got a C.D. in the mail with a Children's Ministry magazine.  It was more or less an advertisement for a Sunday School curriculum.  But the songs/actions on it were so fun.  I decided I would save it to do with my kids and now I do and my two-year old loves it - Woo Hoo!  It really seems that was just yesterday (some days anyway).  Thus the inspiration for Wasn't It Just Yesterday.
Note/Reminder: This is some of my writing I wanted to share with you.  I may also do more editing to it.  Please respect this writing as my own original writing.  Thank You.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Video Valentine's

Want to send someone a cute valentine this year?  Send them a Video Valentine. 

This is especially great for grandparents, family members and friends who don’t get to see the kids every day.  The idea came after we took a short video of my two-year old daughter playing doctor with her baby brother.  It was so cute and I desperately wanted to share it with the grandparents.  The file, however, was too large to attach in an email, and I’m against posting these videos on Facebook.  Since Valentine’s Day was around the corner, we decided to put the video on a DVD. and mail it.  I took it a step further and added some other cute videos of the kiddos, so the grandparents could see how much they’ve grown.  I even wrote a Valentine greeting and recorded my two-year old saying it.  We made several hearts, decorated them, and hung them on the door (this is where we display lots of her work).  We used this as our backdrop for our greeting. 

~A Valentine Greeting~
Would you be my Valentine?
Oh, please be mine.
Hugs and kisses I give to you,
And I send my love too!
Happy Valentine’s Day!   

(Super cute with a two-year old saying it!  My voice is on there too as I had her repeat each line and to be sure family could understand what she was saying.)

 After the videos were on the DVD, we made paper envelopes to hold the DVD and decorated them in a Valentine theme with stickers.  To make our envelope, I traced a paper C.D. envelope with the “closing tab” open onto construction paper.  I then closed the tab and traced the square envelope again, sharing one of the same sides the previously traced envelope shape.  I cut the envelope out and folded the paper on the shared line.  I then put masking tape on the open sides to seal the envelope, which I think looks kind of decorative.  My little girl loved decorating the envelopes with stickers.  You may also make your envelope anyway you choose.
Next Step:  Mail
Happy Video Valentining!
Love It!