Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hoppy Easter Cupcakes

Ever wonder how the Easter Bunny carries all those eggs?  A wheelbarrow of course! 
 Let's have some yummy and tasty Easter fun!
This was my all time favorite Easter activity that my Mom did with me as a kid.  Today I had the fun of sharing it with my own daughter for the first time, and now all of you, too.

First, you will need your favorite cupcake recipe or mix. I always use my favortie chocolate cake recipe - Crazy Cake (no egg needed recipe.)  It's so yummy and moist (even great with out frosting).  For the sake of saving time this close to Easter, I'm not posting the recipe now.  If anyone would like it please leave a comment and I'll be sure to post it!

Supliess Needed:
Green colored frosting (I do the simple powdered sugar, butter and milk recipe)
Coconut colored with green food coloring - GRASS
Jelly Beans - EGGS
Lifesavers - WHEELS (I used gummy life savers this time for my 3 yr. old)
Gum Drops - HUB CAPS
Peeps Marshmallow Bunnies
Colored Toothpicks
(I forgot to buy colored toothpicks, so used regular, but colored is more fun.)
Begin by frosting the cupcake.  Then dip the cupcake in the cocunut.  Next, add the Jelly Beans to the top.  I dipped the Jelly Beans in a bit of frosting first to help them stick.  You can also leave the cocunut off and just put the "eggs" on the green frosting for someone who does not like cocunut. 
Next, cut the round tip off of the gum drop and stick a tooth pick into the flat end, then add a Lifesaver.  Note: The gummy candies I used for my hub caps this time around were not gumdrops.  They were some type of sour gummy candy that I thought looked cute, but they really ended up being too big and close to the same size as the lifesaver.  It was not as cute and next time I will buy gum drops again.  Stick the tooth pick with candy through the bottom of the cupcake.  Put another toothpick with candy on the other side of the cupcake accross form the first to make wheels.
Last, place two toothpicks into the side of the cupcake at about the middle or slightly higher.  Then slide on your Peeps Bunny.  I've also done it with other Peeps like the Chic, but the bunny is my favorite!  You could also if you want turn the bunny around and have him "pulling" a wagon. 
Show off! Share! Eat! Enjoy!  They are so cute!!!!!!
Happy Easter!
Love It!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Poem for March

A poem I wrote for a contest this month (didn't win), but thought I'd share....

March Snowman

March winds, oh, how they blow,
Whirling and a twirling with snow.
Calling me to come and play.
We’ll have so much fun today.
Make some snowballs.  Stack them high.
Build a snowman to reach the sky.
Add some eyes, a nose and arms.
Add a scarf to keep him warm.
The sun comes out, how warm it felt.
My March snowman starts to melt.

Love It!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Simple Supper

This is a recipe I came up with one night when I had a plentiful supply of garden green beans.  Enjoy

Green Bean Homeade Hamburger Helper

1 lb ground beef
desired amount of garden fresh green beans or frozen
1 can cream of mushroom soup
Velveta cheese (or cheddar) as desired
dried rosemary, to taste

Cook green beans in separate pot of boiling water.
Brown hamburger (I usually add some onion or minced onion flakes) and drain.
Stir in mushroom soup and green beans, simmer.  Sprinkle with desired amount of rosemary flakes.
Place Velveta cheese on top and cover with a lid.  Heat a little extra if needed.  Enjoy.