Saturday, May 25, 2013

What's Up?

What's up as of recently?

I know it's been awhile since I've posted.  O.k., two months to be exact.  But, that's what comes with life and being a mom.  Also, I've been reading some good books and spending time on my writing projects.  And for the third spring now, something that has been consuming a lot of my time, organizing craft projects for our church's VBS program this summer for a 150 kids of all ages.  That's 750 craft projects.  Thankfully, I've got some great helpers.  I've got at least ten different projects planned for daily crafts and a few extras, too.  In the future, I may share some of those.  We'll see how the kids take to them.   I should mention, we come up with our own crafts.  We don't use what the publishing house sells.  I personally like to make it more fitting to the theme, lesson, or Bible verse. It makes me very thankful that blogs exist, because they can be a great place to find ideas.  But (sometimes), my mind actually comes up with a few ideas of it's own.  Oh, and I'm having the older kids do the pocket verses I posted a while back!  Fridays daily theme verse is, Jesus says, "You will be my the end of the earth."  Acts 1:8  (Concordia Publishing House VBS 2013 - Go Tell It On The Mountain Where Jesus Christ is Lord!) It may not be the most fun craft, but I chose it for the lesson in being a witness.  They will MAKE ONE for themselves and one to PASS IT ON.  And it's kind of nice to be able to let the kids creativity flow on there own some, too.  Sometimes, I think I'm crazy to take on this task, especially this year with having my second babe at home, but honestly I LOVE IT! and wouldn't have it any other way.

I still have some ideas that I've not had time to implement and post, but I've had a few other random creative thoughts that have occurred to me.  Kind of silly, but fun.  At least I think so.  Easy ones, and easy to post.  All I had to do was grab the camera and go.  Now, on the this three day holiday weekend and finding some time to relax out of town, I'm sitting down to do them.  Only to find, (though I was sure I remembered packing it in my purse) that I must not have brought my camera cord to upload my pictures.  So, here's to the typing and adding the pictures later...and then....posting (hopefully next week).  Unless, I find a camera cord that matches mine among our families stuff or find I packed it anyway in one of those "special" spots. 

Since, I don't have the camera cord, this is kind of the reason for today's more personal post.  And because I found in the beginning of typing my first post, that I just randomly started typing about the events of life.  I tend to do that now and again.  I guess it's the lengthy and winded writer in me.  I decided it was more fitting alone and by its self.  I also have some ideas I've wanted to post, but have decided to try them as "how to's" to publish in a magazine on my journey to try and become a published writer.  If I don't sell them, I'll come back to post here. :)


Love it!  and LOVING life :) 

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