Thursday, January 2, 2014

Favorite Handmade Christmas Tree Ornaments Thru the Years

Well, Christmas is over and that means the tree is going to have to come down sooner or later.  Though, it seems as if we just put it up.  It's always so pretty and each ornament has it's own story and own special meaning.  I decided to photograph a few of the handmade ones.  Some are old. Some are new.  But making Christmas crafts of any kind is one of my favorites.  Feel free to try any of them out. 
Here are their stories:
A few years ago I bought the traditional glass balls and filled them with colored tinsel, grass, or strips of paper.  I had so much fun making them and giving them as gifts.  Here are some photos of my favorites.

Blue is my favorite color.  I just had to make these when I found 
these adorable foam snowflake stickers.

The green plastic canvas cross next to this one is something my Grandmother made several years ago.  I think of her every time I put this on my tree.

It was fun choosing color combinations with these foam stickers.  Though,
sometimes they come loose and have to be glued back down
And then, there's the opportunity to mix the colors inside the ball for your favorite sports team. 
Just simply add letter stickers
Go Panthers!!

Go Cyclones!  (for the hubby)

Several years ago, I found this pattern in a magazine.  It was cute and simple, so I made several.  I've made some big ones.  I've also made lots of these little ones to use as table favors at Christmas.  Just fill them with a candy cane and then it becomes an ornament, too.
This is probably my all time favorite ornament and it's Christ centered.  It was given to me in third grade by my Sunday school teacher.  It is such a good reminder of the reason for the season.  I've made different versions of this several different years.  Though, I always use purchased bows because I can't tie a bow to save my life.  (But Jesus did save my life, so that I can live with Him for eternity!)  I've made them as gifts for my own Sunday school students, as table favors for Christmas and used it as a craft for Vacation Bible School students. 

This is probably my second favorite.  I came up with it on my own as a child some time in elementary and made one for my mom for Christmas.  I'm not sure if that original one is still in existence, but it may be tucked away in my parents house.  Now, I've also seen these examples on Pinterest and have pinned it to one of my boards.  It is by far, the most pinned craft on my feed.  Anyway, I made another one last year with my daughter because I wanted one for my tree.  You just need some straw looking material and I used a baby Jesus from a Christmas card.   
I started a tradition with my daughter two Christmases ago of having her make an ornament for Daddy each year as a Christmas present.  She already liked using a paint brush, so I just had her paint the sticks, glued them together and framed her picture. 

This was last years version.  The idea from Pinterest. 
We made several and gave them away to others as gifts, as well.  Great memories!
This year I ended up buying an ornament to paint (lack of time).
These foam ornaments were made two Christmases ago, as well.  It was an early snow day and it put me in the Christmas mood.  I decided to make some Christmassy crafts and pulled out odds and ends from the craft drawer to see what we could come up with.  My daughter helped.  This is my favorite from that day.  Buttons as eyes, a bead as a nose and snow flake stickers!

Simply cut your foam shape and decorate any way you wish. 
I actually used them as gift tags that could then be hung on the tree.
This was one of my favorite ornaments that I made as a child in school.  My favorite crafts of the school year were always the Christmas ornaments, hands down.  This was in third grade.  I was always disappointed thought that my P didn't turn out like I wanted for putting my initials on it. 

I've slowly gotten rid of some of these child hood ornaments as I need to make room for my own children's ornaments now.  There are a few, though, that I will always hang on to.  I could have taken more pictures, but I think you get the idea.
This was one of my daughter's ornaments that she made at Supper with Santa this year. 
 Its fun to see her creativity shine on her own. 
I don't remember who made this one for sure, but I have an idea.  We have several of them so I know they were either Christmas presents or table favors.  But I love it!!!!

And last, but not least...this snowman and Christmas tree, along with many crocheted snowflake ornaments.  Many were made by my Grandma and maybe some by her mother.  I think one of these pictures may be tatted (a lost art form, I believe) rather than crocheted, but I can't tell you for sure.  These are some of the things I wish I would have written down or asked again before my mom was not around to tell me.  But they are very pretty!

Merry Christmas!  Happy New Year!
Love them!!

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