Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pocket Verses

What greater way to show love than to help spread the Gospel of Jesus, the one who first loved us?  Share that love with a pocket verse – a little card that one can keep with them to remember a verse and help them remember The One who is with them all day long. 

The idea for pocket verses came as I had decided to once again write some of my favorite bible verses on note cards and keep them in my pocket.  I had done this a few years ago when I felt like my faith was at a low point.  I put a card with a verse in the pocket of my scrubs while I at work.  When I reached for a pen, I would feel the card.  It served as a great reminder that God was with me.  It would help prompt me to say the verse and then a little prayer.  I really feel it helped me strengthen my relationship with Jesus and helped me pray continually.  Of course it would help – there’s nothing better than God’s word!

I then decided it would be fun to make them a little nicer, than just on a note card and the idea spiraled.  The basis came from a craft I had seen on Pinterest that I had been wanting to try.  They were cereal box gift tags.  Here is the link for that idea: Box Gift Tags
I first decoupaged scrap book paper onto cereal boxes.  Once they were dry, I cut out the desired shapes.

I then decorated them with ribbon, beads, and markers. 
 I wrote various bible verses on them.
I then made little tags that said: A Pocket Verse For You.  Make one. Pass it on.
I put each verse in a little bag with a note.  I also included a blank tag and some ribbon or beads. 
Pass Pocket Verses out to your friends and family.  Leave them randomly in public places - restrooms, shopping carts, ATMs - anywhere.   The reciever then is encouraged with the note and supplies to make one and pass it on.  (This is optional, but I like the idea!)  Keep it going!
Consider it a random act of kindness, if leaving it for someone else to find.  What better random act than sharing God's word?  One thing I like about this idea is that I am sometimes quiet and shy and often not as bold as I should be in telling others about Jesus. 
This is a way I can help spread God's word and so can you!
I encourage you to make one or more for yourself and keep them in your pocket.  Make one for friends and family. 
Leave them in a random place.  Help keep this going! 
You could also make little prayers on cards and pass them out, thus creating Pocket Prayers.
Say a little verse and put in in your pocket.  Never let it fade away.............
Have fun creatig Pocket Verses or Pocket Prayers. Who know's maybe some day I'll find one randomly from you. Share the Love!
Love it!

1 comment:

  1. what a GREAT idea. I will have to make these with Gwen and start doing that. :)
