Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Video Valentine's

Want to send someone a cute valentine this year?  Send them a Video Valentine. 

This is especially great for grandparents, family members and friends who don’t get to see the kids every day.  The idea came after we took a short video of my two-year old daughter playing doctor with her baby brother.  It was so cute and I desperately wanted to share it with the grandparents.  The file, however, was too large to attach in an email, and I’m against posting these videos on Facebook.  Since Valentine’s Day was around the corner, we decided to put the video on a DVD. and mail it.  I took it a step further and added some other cute videos of the kiddos, so the grandparents could see how much they’ve grown.  I even wrote a Valentine greeting and recorded my two-year old saying it.  We made several hearts, decorated them, and hung them on the door (this is where we display lots of her work).  We used this as our backdrop for our greeting. 

~A Valentine Greeting~
Would you be my Valentine?
Oh, please be mine.
Hugs and kisses I give to you,
And I send my love too!
Happy Valentine’s Day!   

(Super cute with a two-year old saying it!  My voice is on there too as I had her repeat each line and to be sure family could understand what she was saying.)

 After the videos were on the DVD, we made paper envelopes to hold the DVD and decorated them in a Valentine theme with stickers.  To make our envelope, I traced a paper C.D. envelope with the “closing tab” open onto construction paper.  I then closed the tab and traced the square envelope again, sharing one of the same sides the previously traced envelope shape.  I cut the envelope out and folded the paper on the shared line.  I then put masking tape on the open sides to seal the envelope, which I think looks kind of decorative.  My little girl loved decorating the envelopes with stickers.  You may also make your envelope anyway you choose.
Next Step:  Mail
Happy Video Valentining!
Love It!

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