Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wasn't It Just Yesterday?

Wasn’t it just yesterday?  ~A time of reminiscing on my birthday…..

Wasn’t it just yesterday I sat upon my bed?
In the only home I’d ever known,
And played with my childhood friend.
Thinking these days could never end.

Wasn’t it just yesterday when I was still in school? 
Homework assignments and projects due,
Hanging with friends and band practice too.
At that time, five dollars filled my car with fuel. 

Wasn’t it just yesterday when college days were long?
Early morning clinical and studying all day long,
Learning who I really was and where I did belong,
Then suddenly there, singing my graduation song. 

Wasn’t it just yesterday I started working nights?
A nervous Nellie – that was me,
Longing for the day, the newness wouldn’t be.
Now I’ve gained some confidence and it feels quite alright.
Wasn’t it just yesterday you wandered to my door?
A story then unfolded as we saw our friendship grow.
There before me you were kneeling, one knee in the cold snow.
And now today I love you - more and more and more.

Wasn’t it just yesterday Dad walked me down the aisle?
We were joined as one and became Mister and Misses.
Friends and family rang the bell, to see us give each other kisses.
Our wedding day, always to be thought of with a smile.

Wasn’t it just yesterday I dreamed of having kids?
Then the pregnancy test, positive it said.
Our first born, a sweet little girl,
Now, I watch her play and dance and twirl.

Wasn’t it just yesterday I sat here next to mom?
Sharing secrets, telling jokes, and laughing all the time.
You taught me how to live my life and everything was fine.
Now more than a year has passed since my mom has gone.

Wasn’t it just yesterday I held you the first time?
Our cute little boy,
What a wonderful new joy.
Now laughing and cooing when I sing a rhyme.

Wasn’t it just yesterday my birthday was here?
Now here my birthday is again,
A time to think about and remember when.
And then to enter a new decade – NEXT YEAR!
The idea for this poem came when I sat down on my birthday (only a couple days ago) to do a little writing - which I Love!  I had the idea of just a little prose peice, but it turned into a poem.  I had been thinking of different things for awhile.  Like the time I sat in my room around age 16, thinking about only having a couple years at home left.  At that time, I couldn't imagine life any other way or away from my parents home.  I also remember thinking about a time when I got a C.D. in the mail with a Children's Ministry magazine.  It was more or less an advertisement for a Sunday School curriculum.  But the songs/actions on it were so fun.  I decided I would save it to do with my kids and now I do and my two-year old loves it - Woo Hoo!  It really seems that was just yesterday (some days anyway).  Thus the inspiration for Wasn't It Just Yesterday.
Note/Reminder: This is some of my writing I wanted to share with you.  I may also do more editing to it.  Please respect this writing as my own original writing.  Thank You.

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