Tuesday, October 1, 2013

New Adventure Creative Card

Is someone you know getting ready to go on a new adventure or start a new chapter in their life?  Maybe they have just graduated college and are ready to step into their dream job.  Maybe someone is moving to a new state or our out on their own for the first time.  Maybe it's a new job after being employed at one place for many, many years.  Whatever the journey may be, why not send them a creative card to support them and let them know your thinking of them.  That's where this idea originated.  A family member of mine has finally landed her dream job and I want her to know how excited we are for her.

So, what image do you think of when consider a journey or heading out on a new path?  For me, it was footprints!  Hmmm, where can I find footprints?  I know!  I know!  My kids.  And let's face it, who doesn't get giddy anytime you see something made from the footprint or handprint of a special child in your life.  There just so cute!  Yep, we decided to make a mess.  We pulled out the finger paint and made footprints onto a card.  

I used stock paper folded in half, hamburger-style.  I put one set of footprints on the outside and one on the inside.  We did bigger footprints (my three-year-old) on the front cover of the card and smaller footprints (11 month old) on the inside.  The thought behind this was that the footprints would appear smaller as they got farther away.    Then we put a little saying with the prints, "Best Wishes On Your New Path."  And don't forget a message along with it and sign your names!  A reminder that God has great plans for them, would be wonderful too, of course!  Oh, and no worries.  If you don't have children around to use for your footprints, use your own!  You just might have to adjust the size of your paper!

Love It!

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