Thursday, October 3, 2013

Toilet Paper Roll Cord Keepers

Imagine your decorating for Christmas.  The lights you hang won't quite reach to the nearest outlet.    You head to the box where you store extension cords, only to discover they are all tangled or knotted together.  After a few minutes of untangling them, you finally get it free.  Are you tired of these tangled cords? My mom got tired of this problem a long time ago.  We came up with a solution that became one of my favorite childhood crafts.  Just yesterday, I shared this craft with my daughter for the first time.

What You Need:
-empty toilet paper role, paper towel roll, or other cardboard tube
-crayons, markers, or paint

**Decorate any way you would like and HAVE FUN!

Pssst - Parents beware:  As a kid, I would sell these to my mom for money.
Now, fold extension cord in half a couple times (the number of times you can do this depends on how heavy duty your cord is).  Then stick the ends through the toilet paper roll and throw it in a box.  And Ta Da:  They're ORGANIZED!  No more knots!

Love It!

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