Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Cute Christmas Cookie Walk Sign

The Advent season is upon us; and with that comes lots of Christmas preparations.  One of these is lots of baking.   Some of the most made items during the holidays are cookies and candies.  Where can you find a bunch of these goodies at one time?  A cookie walk, of course. 

I've been working with a wonderful group of people to help plan a cookie walk fundraiser for our church.  It's coming up in a week and a half.  The other night, during one of my sleepless hours, an idea popped into my head.  I had just acquired some boxes over the weekend, and rather than recycle them, I kept them thinking they'd come in handy.  Well, they didn't even get a chance to collect any dust on my shelving. 

Well, since cookies have been consuming my mind, I suddenly pictured a gingerbread man.  Hmmm.  Cardboard boxes would be the perfect color of a gingerbread man.  Hmmm.  Wouldn't that make a cute sign to place out in front of the church?  Cute, attractive, and sure to be an attention grabber.  Thus, my gingerbread men sign was born. 

I decided to make a total of three gingerbread men, with each one holding a sign - so all together it announces: "Cookie Walk Today".    I put much more time into it then planned.  Why?  I was having way too much fun.  I drew faces, made some cute squiggly lines with yarn and some with glitter glue.  I added some buttons and a bow tie, and even some strips of fabric for scarves. 
I even covered them with contact paper on the front, folded the contact paper over to the back, and then secured the entire back with packaging tape.  Why?  Just in case of rain.  The next step will be to tape them to metal garden stakes and put them up when cookie day comes. 
If I remember to take the camera, maybe I'll add another picture for ya!
And please, also remember the reason for the season:  the tiny babe, God's Son, born in a manger to grow up to live a perfect life and die on a cross for the sins of all, and rise again to give us the gift of eternal life.  Prepare your hearts and minds for Jesus' second coming. 
Blessings to you during this season!

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